The Importance of Friends in A Person's Life - Intermediate Essay 2

All people in the world have friends. Some people have many friends, whereas some others have only a few. As a social animal, it is important for a person to have other people around him/her in the forms of friends, families, etc. Just like family, friends too play an important role in a person's mental development and wellness. In this essay, I would like to discuss the importance of friends in a person's life.

the importance of friends in a persons's life

Having friends has many advantages in a person's life. First and foremost, a person having good friends can enjoy his/her life very much. They can take a trip together and hang out sometimes. Such a person will never get bored in his/her life. In addition, a person having friends will get help when he/she faces difficulty in life. Moreover, there will be people who don't have a life partner; for such people, having friends will reduce the pain of being alone.

Next, let us talk about a few aspects that we need to consider when choosing friends in our lives. A person's life can be deeply influenced by his/her friends. If a person's friend circle includes people with bad behavioral qualities, that person will eventually become a bad person. Similarly, if his/her friend circle contains people with good behavioral qualities, the person will eventually become a good person. Therefore, we need to be very careful when making friends with people in our lives.

Let me tell you one of my experiences on how friends will affect a person's life. I was not good at studying during high school. I did not attend classes regularly; I did not do homework daily; I did not study for exams properly. Once, my teacher changed my seat in the classroom and sat me on the first bench. Consequently, I made friends with new students in the class who took their studies very seriously. After a few days, I started to develop a liking for studying because of their influence. Now, I am a punctual, studious, and serious man everywhere I belong.

Let me conclude my essays by briefly summarizing the points I have made throughout my writing. Friendships play an important role in a person's life because they affect the person's mental development. Friendship can cause both negative and positive outcomes in a person's life. Therefore, making friends with good people is important for everyone's success.


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