
Showing posts from January, 2024

Medical Documentation Proofreading Example 16 - Whole SOAP Report

Proofread the SOAP report below. Fargoz United Healthcare General Medicine                                                                                                                              Doctor: Mr. Cure Patient: Mr. Sick                                                                                                                                Date: January 1, 2024 ___________________________________________________________________________________ Sample Name : Blood in Urine - ER Visit Description : The patient has prostate cancer with metastatic disease on his bladder. The patient has had problems with hematuria in past. The patient was encouraged to drink extra water and was given discharge instructions of hematuria. SUBJECTIVE CHIEF COMPLIANT : Blood in urine. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS : This is a 78-years-old male who has a prostate cancer with metastatic disease to his bladder and in several location throughout skeletal system, including the spine, shoulder. The

Medical Documentation Proofreading Example 15

Question The patient is an 50-year-old female who came into the emergency room. This morning the patient  experiences symptoms for lightheadedness, dizziness and she felt like passing out. However, there was  no actual syncope. During the episode, the patient describes symptoms of palpitation and fluttering of her  chest. He relates that her heart was racing. By the time she came to the emergency room, her EKG showed  normal sinus rhythm. There was no evidence of arrythmia. The patient had some cardiac work up in the  past, and her results are as mentioned below. She denies any specific chest pain. Her activities is fairly  stable. She is actively employed. She has no other cardiac risk factors in terms of alcohol consumption or  recretional drug use, Caffeine use, and over-the-counter medication usage. She deny history of  hypertension and diabetes mellitus. She is non smoker. Her cholesterol was normal. She denies history  of establish coronary artery disease, and her family history

Medical Documentation Proofreading Example 14

Proofreading The patients presents today to nursing home with multi medical problems. The nurses report that  she has been confused at times; having incontinent stools, and does poorly. She does has trouble  walking which she attributes to week legs. She feel a couple of months ago. Her appetite has  been good. She has been loosing weight a little bit. She deny diarrhea and vomiting. She does  complain of feeling listless and unambitous and would like to try some Ensure. I ordered yearly  digoxin levels. I increased his Aricept for 10 mg daily. She apparently did have intermittent atrial  fibrillation as reason for being on the digoxin. We will plan to recheck her at a couple of month.  We ordered Health supplement to be taken after each meal, due to her weight loss. She is to  return back to the Clinic in one month to followup. Answer The patient presents today to the nursing home with multiple medical problems. The nurses report that  she has been confused at time s, h aving incon