Medical Documentation Proofreading Example 5


The patient Katherine is 54-years-old. She come for bladder installation for chronic interstitial cystitis. The patient was crying today when she arrive in the office saying that he has a lot of discomforts. These bladder instillations do not seem to be help her. She felt anxious and worried. She do not think she can take any more pains. She is debating wether or not to go back to Dr Peter, and ask for some treatment modality to stop the pain, because she just cannot functions on a daily basis, and care for her children unless she gets something did about this, and she fears this bladder instillations because they are not seem to help. They seem to be intensifying her pain. So, she has to has somebody come with her, and that is kinds of troublesome for her. We discussed this at length. I did suggest that it was completely appropriate to her to decide. She will terminate these if they are that un comfortable, and do not seem to be giving her any relief. However I did tell her that occasionally people do have discomfort with them and after the completion of the instillations they do better and we have also had some people who have had to terminate the instillations because they were two uncomfortable. She has Hysterectomy in the past.

bladder instillation


The patient, Katherine, is 54 years old. She comes for bladder instillation for chronic interstitial cystitis. The patient is crying today when she arrives in the office saying that she has a lot of discomfort. These bladder instillations do not seem to be helping her. She feels anxious and worried. She does not think she can take any more pain. She is debating whether or not to go back to Dr. Peter and ask for some treatment modality to stop the pain because she just cannot function on a daily basis and care for her children unless she gets something done about this, and she fears these bladder instillations because they do not seem to help. They seem to be intensifying her pain. So, she has to have somebody come with her, and that is kind of troublesome for her. We discussed this at length. I did suggest that it was completely appropriate for her to decide. She will terminate these if they are that uncomfortable and do not seem to be giving her any relief. However, I did tell her that occasionally, people do have discomfort with them, and after the completion of the instillations, they do better, and we have also had some people who have had to terminate the instillations because they were too uncomfortable. She had hysterectomy in the past.


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