Medical Documentation Proofreading Example 8


The patient is a 49 year old white female, who lost come to the clinic at 15/10/2021. He comes in today for a re evaluation of her acne, plus she has had what she call a rash for the past two month now on her chest, stomack, neck and back. The patient is well-developed and appear stated age. At examination, there is flaring of her acne with small folliculits lesions. The patient have been taking Amoxicillin 500 mg bid. and using Tazorac cream 0.1. Her face is doing well, but she has been out of her meditation now since three days also. She is been getting photofacials at Healing waters. She is to continuing Tazorac cream 0.1. It is okay to use on the back and chest also. She has referred to ABC Clinic for an anaesthetic consult. She would return in two month for a follow up evaluation of her acne.


acne flaring


The patient is a 49-year-old white female, who last came to the clinic on 10/15/2021. She comes in today for a re-evaluation of her acne, plus she has had what she calls a rash for the past two months now on her chest, stomach, neck, and back. The patient is well developed and appears stated age. On examination, there is flaring of her acne with small folliculitis lesions. The patient has been taking amoxicillin 500 mg b.i.d. and using Tazorac cream 0.1. Her face is doing well, but she has been out of her medication now for three days also. She has been getting photofacials at Healing Waters. She is to continue Tazorac cream 0.1. It is okay to use on the back and chest also. She has been referred to ABC Clinic for an anesthetic consult. She will return in two months for a follow-up evaluation of her acne.



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