Medical Documentation Proofreading Example 9


The patient is a 54 year old super obese man, who present today upon referrel from primary care physician. His obesity begun at the age 20 with a weght of 250 pounds, and currently has highest weight. Consultation requested four the evaluation of morbid obesity, and consideration of treatment with bariatric surgery. We have considered surgical weight-loss in hopes of reducing or eliminate this comorbid conditions. He is interested with surgical weight loss particularly gastric bypass surgery. He will followup with a visit in three week.

VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 72, respirations 16, blood pressure 134/74, Height 5 feet, 6 inches, weight 324 pounds. BMI 52.3.




The patient is a 54-year-old super-obese man, who presents today upon referral from primary care physician. His obesity began at the age of 20 with a weight of 250 pounds and currently has the highest weight. Consultation requested for the evaluation of morbid obesity and consideration of treatment with bariatric surgery. We have considered surgical weight loss in hopes of reducing or eliminating these comorbid conditions. He is interested in surgical weight loss, particularly gastric bypass surgery. He will follow up with a visit in three weeks.

VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 72, respirations 16, blood pressure 134/74. Height 5 feet 6 inches, weight 324 pounds, BMI 52.3.


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