Should the death penalty be given to rapists? Intermediate Essay 5

Several types of crimes are happening around the world. All countries have their own legal systems to punish those who commit crimes. In many countries, the death penalty is the biggest form of punishment for a crime. The death penalty will be given only to those who commit serious crimes. People all around the world are arguing over whether the death penalty should be given to rapists. I agree that rapists deserve the death penalty. In this essay, I will explain why rapists should be killed.


should death penalty be given to rapists?

A rapist is a person who assaults another person sexually. Nowadays, we hear a lot of news about rapes and sexual abuses around the world. I believe that rapes are increasing because rapists are not punished properly. Rape is a type of crime that cannot be justified under any circumstances. There are people who steal money or food because they have nothing to eat or sustain their lives. However, rape is not like them; instead, it is a pure crime that needs proper retribution.

The studies show that in countries where the death penalty is given to rapists, rape cases are comparatively fewer. Arab countries are good examples of this. There are people who state that rape should not be equated with the death penalty. I would like to point out that rapists have no reason to carry out the crime other than pure evil intentions. If we are not ready to punish rapists properly, more rape cases will be reported around us.

I personally know a rape victim. She was an enthusiastic student before she was raped. After the rape incident, she dropped out of school and almost became insane. She never talked to any one of her friends after that. She did not recover from the trauma even two years later. Finally, she committed suicide because of the trauma. There are many rape victims who eventually killed themselves.


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