Should smoking be banned? Intermediate Essay 4

People have different habits and hobbies for recreation. Smoking is one of the most common habits among people across the world. The studies show that three out of every ten people in the world smoke. Nowadays, not only adults but also minors smoke cigarettes. New-generation people see smoking as a fashion trend among them. People now smoke not only tobacco substances but also serious narcotics. In this short piece of writing, I would like to shed light on the consequences of smoking and remedies for the uncontrollable smoking habit, as well as my personal experience.

should smoking be banned - essay

Let us begin with the consequences of smoking. It is a proven fact that regular smoking causes cancer. Similarly, it causes serious respiratory and lung diseases. The studies show that smoking causes sexual dysfunction. To mention a mild one, smokers develop a foul odor that repulses people. Furthermore, their lips darken, and their teeth become stained. Unfortunately, smoking affects innocent people too. People who inhale smoke from a tobacco smoker also develop serious health issues. There are people who argue smoking has advantages, for example, fighting cold weather. However, considering its consequences, smoking is a detrimental habit.

Let us move on to remedies for smoking. People who smoke state that it is impossible to quit smoking once a person gets addicted to it. However, there are a lot of people who successfully quit smoking after being regular smokers. Getting treatment at de-addiction centers is a good solution. Chewing gum or nibbling on snacks can also help if a person feels an urge to smoke. Nowadays, there are tablets that will stop a craving for nicotine.

In conclusion, it will be advantageous for the country and society if smoking is banned. The no-smoking habit helps an individual save money on tobacco; similarly, it helps the individual stay away from diseases. For a country or a society, banning smoking will provide healthy citizens. Therefore, I agree that smoking should be banned.


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