Your Inspirational Icon - Intermediate Essay 6

Life can be hard or easy for us. People need inspiration in their lives to overcome difficult times. We can draw inspiration from different kinds of sources, such as a random person, a non-human living thing, a story, a natural entity, etc. Many of us will have a person as our inspirational icons in our lives. In this essay, I would like to discuss the role of an inspirational icon in a person's life, different kinds of inspirational sources of people, and my own inspirational icon.

school essay on inspirational icon

As a matter of fact, life can always be smooth and easy for us. We have to face hardships at different points in time. Not getting disappointed is vital to move forward in life. We need to stay hopeful amidst failure. There are many people around us who commit suicide when they face difficulty. The role of an inspirational icon is beneficial in the lives of such people. The success stories of inspirational icons will encourage people to stay positive.

Interestingly, people draw inspiration from different sources: powerful animals, public figures, etc. There are people who admire the wilderness of the tiger; some people love the hardwork of ants. Most people are inspired by the emotional and successful stories of public figures, such as film actors and sports players. To many, their parents are their inspirational icons.

In my case, I do not have a particular inspirational icon. Instead, I am inspired by every single entity around me; it might be a living or a non-living entity. When I see virtuous people, I try to copy their qualities in my life. When I see bad people, I decide not to be like them. I have been inspired by the love of my parents, the care of my friends, the dedication of my teachers, the loyalty of my pets, the beauty of the countryside, etc.

In my opinion, having an inspirational icon is a positive aspect. However, being inspired by good people or entities is vital. There are many people around us who are inspired by negative characters in movies. I would like to conclude this piece of writing with the statement that one's righteous conscience is the best inspirational source.


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