The Strange Father-Son Bonding in Middle-class Families - Intermediate Essay

Most people in India hold that in middle-class families or households, sons tend to have poor bonding with their fathers. Various street interviews and studies in different states of India have confirmed this. Moreover, these sons are more attached to their mothers. In some cases, the sons cut ties with all family members and limit themselves to their friends. This tendency among sons is more observed in middle-class families than in high- or low-class families.

father son bonding in middle class families

While there are several different factors that lead to this indifference between sons and fathers, the inferior complex feeling of both teams is dominant. People from middle-class families are regarded as the most struggling social strata because of their haunted inner minds. Most middle class families live by lower-class family standards, but at the same time, they are aware of the lives of higher-class people, and they constantly dream of that life.

Middle-class fathers are always disturbed by the thought that they cannot provide a better standard of living for their children. On the other hand, middle-class sons believe that their parents deserve a better son than them. These mutual internal struggles are a part of the untold love and care they have for each other. Later on, this gives way to a growing apathy between them.

This situation continues as a cycle when these sons have a family of their own. Then these sons become fathers who feel the same guilt as their fathers did before. Those who are looking at this bond of apathy from outside could think poorly of these sons and fathers. Interestingly, both these sons and fathers know for themselves what their problem is. They know that they love each other. There are many sons who confessed after the death of their fathers how badly they wanted to hug their fathers and say, "It is okay, dad."


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