Are pets good for you? Intermediate Essay

Having a pet is one of good hobbies a person could ever have. Spending time with pets makes a person more humane. Millions of people around the world see pets as a part of their families. Studies have suggested that attachment to pets is good for human health. It is no secret that pets can contribute to a person's happiness. There is evidence that spending time with pets reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, eases loneliness, encourages exercise, and improves one's overall health.

a puppy runs behind its owner

Many people who do not have families or friends find solace in the company of their pets. They speak to their pets as these animals can comprehend their feelings and emotions. A friend is someone who listens to us when we need a listener to our sorrow. If pets can listen to us, can't we call them "friends"? 

Many animals can make good pets. Most people see dogs as the best pets. It is true that dogs love their owners more than any other pet varieties. Cats are said to have less affection for their owners. Horses are a bit more luxurious kind of pets. 

There are people who make pets of birds. Out of bird pets, doves are the most popular. People who own them get delighted when their pet doves come back to them after flying long distances. People who have fishes as their pets are also around us. Interestingly, animals deemed to be unfriendly by some, such as rats, snakes, crows, are pets to many.

All these different kinds of pets testify the fact that these nonhuman livings can bring happiness to their owners. It is wonderful how nature complements humans' lives with animals. We all should have at least one pet at home.


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