Cybercrime - Advanced English Essay

Modern society is suffering from a wide variety of crimes and anti-social activities. Many of them have existed since the beginning of the human race itself, but some of them are quite new. The advancement of technology has not only effected good changes in society but also brought about a new form of crime called cybercrime.


Cybercrime means a wide range of criminal activities that are carried out using digital devices over the Internet. Cybercrimes include identity theft, data breaches, computer viruses, scams, money fraud, bullying, pornography, blackmailing, morphing, etc. While other crimes mostly involve damage to a victim's body and property, cybercrimes mainly involve destruction of his reputation, mental well-being, and personal and social lives.

Cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks to gain unauthorized access, and they trick people with no technical knowledge. They steal confidential information, disrupt services, cause financial loss, pose reputational harm to individuals, and cheat people out of money. Studies show that cybercrime has increased by 40% compared to last year.

Most cybercriminals are involved in cybercrimes to generate a profit, but some cybercrimes are carried out for fun or with an anti-social intention. Being aware of the dangers of cyberspace and the risks of using the Internet is the first and only solution to being safe in the cyberworld. In most police cases that have been filed across India, the majority are not proved. That is to say, the cyber wing of India is not efficient enough to crack down on cybercriminals. This is the same in almost all counties.

Since cybercriminals mostly target individuals' private information and data, it is very essential to employ recommended safety measures to keep them safe. Using strong passwords for social media accounts is highly advisable as a safety measure. Similarly, staying away from untrusted third-party applications is all the more important. Visiting advertisements that pop up while using the Internet is highly recommended. 

Texting or communicating online with people who do not seem genuine should be avoided, especially when they ask for money for any purpose whatsoever. Sharing bank account credentials over the phone should be warned against. People should be made aware that no bank will ask for such details over the phone. Last but not least, being simply private will prevent us from falling prey to any kind of cybercrime.


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