Is Spending on Space Missions a Waste of Money? Advanced English Essay

Countries around the world engage in different kinds of programs and activities for a wide variety of purposes. Countries spend money on defense, games, research studies, and so on. Most of them are aimed at the technological development of countries. Since these expenditures amount to huge sums of money, citizens often doubt their necessity, especially when countries still suffer from issues such as poverty.

spending on space missions is good or bad

At present, most countries undertake various space projects actively despite their internal problems. A space project is any undertaking that involves space. It can be launching satellites into planets' and stars' orbits, sending spacecrafts to learn more about space, collaborating with other countries on similar projects, and so on. Unlike other projects and money-spending areas, space missions require huge budgets, but success rates are very low.

Russia, China, the USA, and India are some of the world's prominent countries that undertake phenomenal space missions. Unlike the so-called developed countries, countries such as India, Pakistan, etc., are often criticized both by other countries and their own people for engaging in these kinds of splendthrift activities when their people are starving and lacking basic needs.

Despite the strength-showing motives of countries, there are a lot of benefits to undertaking space missions nowadays. First of all, Internet access in a country is only possible through satellites. Since the Internet is vital to human life nowadays, the necessity of space missions is already accounted for. Secondly, nowadays, countries have to well protect their borders from attack and invasion by other countries. Satellites will help countries easily monitor their regions from the sky. As we know, flying aircrafts to the warfront to assess the situation cannot be viable. Satellites give countries a good vantage point high up in the sky.

Countries can allay the concerns of people by giving them awareness of the necessity of space missions for the existence and development of the country in this age of discoveries and technology. Similarly, countries should equally consider the basic needs of people and provide equal budgets for them.


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