Should plastic be banned? - Intermediate Essay

We cannot deny the fact that plastic is one of the few things that have immensely affected the lives of people in the modern era. If we set aside all the controversies about plastic, we will be responsible for acknowledging how much plastic has helped us as a material used in manufacturing different kinds of products.

an image of a plastic carrier bag in the ocean water
Should we ban plastic?

If we look around, we can understand that it is not just carrier bags and bottles that are made with plastic. On the contrary, in various sectors that directly or indirectly deal with human life on earth, plastic is used to manufacture things. Plastic is a good substitute where other materials such as iron, copper, and aluminum are not pragmatic because the latter ones are overweight.

However, as with everything else, there is a severe concern that plastic poses with regard to our environment. As we know, plastic objects are a major cause of environmental pollution. Plastic, as a substance, is non-biodegradable. Plastic can remain in the soil for hundreds of years, polluting the environment immensely. 

For the same reason, there is a huge outcry to ban plastic before it ruins our planet completely. Many countries around the globe have either put a partial ban on certain plastic objects or levied taxes on them to reduce their use and circulation. However, the problem hasn’t been solved completely because the implementation of these measures hasn’t been as successful.

As far as I am concerned, a complete ban on plastic will only send us backward in time and take away all the convenience we enjoy because of plastic. That is to say, we have to come up with a well-thought-out solution to tackle the issue of environmental pollution. At present, the decision of the Indian government to ban single-use plastic items like plates, cups, straws, and trays can be considered a good move toward solving the issue.


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