Medical Documentation Proofreading Example 1

Proofreading passage

This is a 52 year old inmate with a 5.5 cm diametre non functioning mass in his right adrenal. The procedure was explained including risks of infection, bleeding, possibility of transfusion and the possiblity of further treetments being required. An alternative to fully laproscopic is open surgery and watching the lesion.


This is a 52-year-old inmate with a 5.5-cm diameter non-functioning mass in his right adrenal. The procedure was explained including risks of infection, bleeding, the possibility of transfusion, and the possibility of further treatments being required. An alternative to fully laparoscopic is open surgery or watching the lesion.


a fibre-optic instrument inserted through the abdominal wall to view the organs in the abdomen or permit small-scale surgery.


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