Natural Calamities - Intermediate Essay 3

Nature means the total physical world of the earth. It includes elements like plants, water bodies, hills, animals, etc. Only the earth has such a diverse nature. All kinds of living entities, including human beings, animals, and insects, need a friendly nature to sustain their lives. However, recently, the earth has witnessed more natural calamities than in the past. In this essay, I would like to discuss the different kinds of natural calamities and the solutions and remedies for them.

natural calamities

A natural calamity is a dangerous phenomenon happening in nature; it causes fatalities to the lives and properties of living entities, mainly human beings. There are several types of natural calamities. Earthquakes are the phenomenon of the earth shaking its surface. In a tsunami, the ocean water swallows the land. Landslides are incidents in which hills collapse along with a gush of water. To add another example, a wildfire refers to the mass burning of forest plants. The list contains even more calamities. 

Let us move on to the causes and remedies for natural calamities. A natural calamity happens when the earth reacts to unnatural activities in its nature. Mainly, human actions harm nature around us. Deforestation, the destruction of hills, the destruction of water bodies, and the mass construction of buildings are some of the human actions that cause an imbalance in nature. The remedies include stopping deforestation and the destruction of hills and planting trees. Similarly, building construction should be scientific and eco-friendly. In addition, all countries preserve water bodies and vegetation.

Recently, countries around the world have taken an initiative to fight natural calamities by preserving nature. It is important for us to be a part of it. Let us hope for a world where nature is free from any kinds of dangers and calamities.


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