Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Intermediate Essay

We live in an era of scientific inventions and developments. We witness the birth of various useful scientific discoveries every day. Artificial intelligence is an advanced technology that enables electronic appliances and devices to act and think like human beings. Artificial intelligence is considered a milestone technology for the future generation. AI has a multitude of applications in all sectors, such as education, healthcare, warfare, entertainment, etc. At the same time, the concept of artificial intelligence involves various dangers and demerits.

artificial intelligence photo

Let us begin by enumerating the applications of AI in different fields. The education field has tremendously benefited from AI. Nowadays, students can easily gather knowledge, prepare assignments, etc., with the help of various AI-powered websites and mobile applications. In healthcare, AI devices and machines provide more accuracy to test results and ease of work for professionals. When it comes to warfare, there are AI robots and machines like drones to help a country's defense without costing its soldiers' lives.

Let us move on to the disadvantages of AI. Since AI-powered appliances can perform people's jobs more easily and efficiently, future-time employers and companies might prefer robots and similar AI devices to human beings; this might lead to severe unemployment around the world. To cite another one, warlike countries are already implementing the warfront possibilities of AI devices; it will only aggravate in the future.

There are both people who complain that AI will negatively affect humankind and people who support the benefits of AI. I believe there should be judicious use of AI and other technologies in all countries for a peaceful and sustainable tomorrow.


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