The Dignity of Labor - Intermediate Essay

People take up different jobs to make a living. There are a wide variety of jobs in varied sectors around us. In any community, having a job is crucial for an adult, especially a male adult, to gain acceptance in society. Nowadays, people have categorized jobs into dignified ones and contemptible ones. Therefore, seeking a dignified job has become a dream for people now.

the dignity of labor

Understanding the difference between a job, work, and labor is important. A job is a profession that a person can take up. Work is the collective activity the person performs in his or her job. On the other hand, labor is the amount of physical effort that a person needs to put in to carry out his or her work. There are both jobs that require high labor and jobs that need less labor.

Most government or federal jobs require less labor, and they are desired by many people to be respected in society. In the private sector as well, jobs require less labor. On the other hand, most jobs in the construction and building fields require high labor. People with hard-labor jobs tend to be hesitant to disclose the nature or name of their jobs before others out of shame.

People need to understand that all jobs and all forms of labor have dignity; having a high-labor job should not be an embarrassment. The money earned through high or low labor is more precious than any other achievement. As long as we do not harm other people's lives or property as part of the job, every job, whether it is in the government sector, the private sector, or the building sector, is respectable.


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