Love Marriage or Arranged Marriage?

Marriage is an integral foundation of any society that binds people together. It religiously ties two people, along with their families, in the sacred bond of marriage. For ages, marriage rituals and traditions have been followed, and families have embraced the concept of arranged marriages because we all believe, "Parents know best."

man betrothing his woman

Studies have suggested that a huge percentage of people opt for arranged marriages due to trusted matrimonial sites and parents. Very few people opt for love marriage in India due to a number of reasons, like religious disputes, cultural differences, non-agreement of families, and other critical matters.

A large percentage of people prefer an arranged marriage without any coercion. They believe arranged marriages bring peace and harmony to their union. In many cases, love marriages bring a lot of difficulties and disputes. According to many researchers, the divorce rate is higher in love marriages.

However, a major discrimination is that people who opt for love marriage are always badly depicted compared to those who have had an arranged marriage. Even if both types of couples are successful in their marriages, the couples with an arranged marriage are praised more for their excellent bonding.

However, with each passing day, a number of stories turn up that portray love marriages as good. Now, families have begun to understand their children’s wants and decisions about spending their lives with the ones they love. Love marriages are on the rise, but arranged marriages still continue to dominate the game. We cannot say which one is better, but we can demand that everyone have their marriage in a way he/she prefers.


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