
Showing posts from February, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Intermediate Essay

We live in an era of scientific inventions and developments. We witness the birth of various useful scientific discoveries every day. Artificial intelligence is an advanced technology that enables electronic appliances and devices to act and think like human beings. Artificial intelligence is considered a milestone technology for the future generation. AI has a multitude of applications in all sectors, such as education, healthcare, warfare, entertainment, etc. At the same time, the concept of artificial intelligence involves various dangers and demerits. Let us begin by enumerating the applications of AI in different fields. The education field has tremendously benefited from AI. Nowadays, students can easily gather knowledge, prepare assignments, etc., with the help of various AI-powered websites and mobile applications. In healthcare, AI devices and machines provide more accuracy to test results and ease of work for professionals. When it comes to warfare, there are AI robots and ma

How Will You Enjoy This Coming Weekend? - Beginner Essay

All weekends are special to me. Weekends are when I relieve myself from all the stress and mental struggles. As with every weekend, I have also made several plans for this coming weekend. First, I will wash my vehicle because it normally gets dirty at the end of the week. Second, I will pay a visit to a few of my relatives and spend time with them. In the evening, I will go for a ride through the countryside to refresh myself until twilight. At night, I will help my household members prepare a special meal for dinner. After that, we will sit together and talk for some time.     KEYS to writing an essay on this type topic. 1. You need to use modal verb WILL because you are talking about some days in the future.

My Normal Day - Beginner's Essay 1

I usually wake up early in the morning, at 6:00. Then I freshen up, perform the ablutions, and perform the morning prayer. After that, I have breakfast around 7:00. Then I work out for 15 minutes and take a shower. After that, I dress up and go to work. I ride my motorcycle to the institute where I teach. It takes me 45 minutes to reach there. I teach students English grammar from 9:00 to 5:00. I have lunch around 1:00 p.m. After lunch, I go to the mosque to perform the noon-time prayer. In the evening, I ride my motorcycle back home. I stop by a mosque halfway to perform the evening prayer. I reach home by 6:30. Then, I take a shower again and perform the sunset prayer. After that, I recite the Quran for a few minutes. After that, I have dinner with my family and spend some time with them talking about the day. After that, I perform my work, such as school work, learning, etc., until 11:00 p.m. After that, I work out for 30 minutes and take a shower again. After that, I perform the ni

Medical Documentation Proofreading Example 17

PROOFREAD The patient is an 44-year-old white female who present today with multiple problems. The  biggest concern she has today is that her left leg had been swollen. It gets better in the  morning when she wakes up, but then through the day, it begins to swell again. The right leg  also swells, and not nearly as much as a left leg. She also complains of pain in his shoulder and  back. These starts about a year ago but the pain in her left shoulder is of most concern to her.  She feels like the low back pain are just a result of a poor matress. She does not remember  hurts her shoulder, but she said gradual she has lost some mobility. It is difficult for her to get  her hands behind her back or behind her head. She has lost strength in the left shoulder.  Regarding her blood count, she had an elevated white count. In April of 2005, Dr. Suffis had  asked Dr. Greenfield to see her because of the persistent Leukocytosis. However, Dr.  Greenfield felt that this was not a problem. He aske