
Showing posts from March, 2024

My School Life - Intermediate Essay

My school life consists of a wide range of beautiful experiences with my friends and teachers. I went to five different schools until I completed my high school studies. I went to a normal lower primary school in my locality for grades 1 through 4. I used to go to my LP school by autorickshaw. At that time, my school uniform was a white shirt and a pair of blue trousers. I first participated in an art competition here. I participated in Arabic poem recitation when I was in the fourth grade. I was nine years old then. I also participated in a riddle competition at that time. My teacher commented that I performed well in the competition. After my lower primary education, I was enrolled at an upper primary school in South Panamanna 15 kilometers away from my locality. I used to go to school by school bus. There were two school buses at my school. Their names were very interesting: Parakkum Thalika and Vanamala. Parakkum Thalika was my bus. It was a small bus. It used to break down quite o

The Strange Father-Son Bonding in Middle-class Families - Intermediate Essay

Most people in India hold that in middle-class families or households, sons tend to have poor bonding with their fathers. Various street interviews and studies in different states of India have confirmed this. Moreover, these sons are more attached to their mothers. In some cases, the sons cut ties with all family members and limit themselves to their friends. This tendency among sons is more observed in middle-class families than in high- or low-class families. While there are several different factors that lead to this indifference between sons and fathers, the inferior complex feeling of both teams is dominant. People from middle-class families are regarded as the most struggling social strata because of their haunted inner minds. Most middle class families live by lower-class family standards, but at the same time, they are aware of the lives of higher-class people, and they constantly dream of that life. Middle-class fathers are always disturbed by the thought that they cannot p

The Dignity of Labor - Intermediate Essay

People take up different jobs to make a living. There are a wide variety of jobs in varied sectors around us. In any community, having a job is crucial for an adult, especially a male adult, to gain acceptance in society. Nowadays, people have categorized jobs into dignified ones and contemptible ones. Therefore, seeking a dignified job has become a dream for people now. Understanding the difference between a job, work, and labor is important. A job is a profession that a person can take up. Work is the collective activity the person performs in his or her job. On the other hand, labor is the amount of physical effort that a person needs to put in to carry out his or her work. There are both jobs that require high labor and jobs that need less labor. Most government or federal jobs require less labor, and they are desired by many people to be respected in society. In the private sector as well, jobs require less labor. On the other hand, most jobs in the construction and building fie

Medical Documentation Proofreading Example 18

Question The patient presented initially to the Pulmonary Clinic with dyspnea on minimal exertion. At that time she was evaluated and found to have evidence at sleep disruption and day time fatigue. She also complained of nocturnal choking episodes that have since abated over the past several months. In the meantime, she had been schedule for an over night sleep study performed to evaluate her for sleep apnea. She reports difficulty by initiating sleep but then recurrent awakenings every 1 to 2 hour throughout the night. Her daughter report that she has heard the patient talking during sleep and snoring. There are no apniec episodes. Patient reports that he used to cough a lot in the middle of the night, but has no longer been doing so in recent weaks. During the daytime, the patient reports spending lot of sedentary time reading and watching tv. The patient smoke perhaps one too two packs of cigarattes per day, particular after dinner. Answer The patient presented initially to the Pul