
Showing posts from April, 2024

Cybercrime - Advanced English Essay

Modern society is suffering from a wide variety of crimes and anti-social activities. Many of them have existed since the beginning of the human race itself, but some of them are quite new. The advancement of technology has not only effected good changes in society but also brought about a new form of crime called cybercrime. Cybercrime means a wide range of criminal activities that are carried out using digital devices over the Internet. Cybercrimes include identity theft, data breaches, computer viruses, scams, money fraud, bullying, pornography, blackmailing, morphing, etc. While other crimes mostly involve damage to a victim's body and property, cybercrimes mainly involve destruction of his reputation, mental well-being, and personal and social lives. Cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks to gain unauthorized access, and they trick people with no technical knowledge. They steal confidential information, disrupt services, cause financial loss, p

Is Spending on Space Missions a Waste of Money? Advanced English Essay

Countries around the world engage in different kinds of programs and activities for a wide variety of purposes. Countries spend money on defense, games, research studies, and so on. Most of them are aimed at the technological development of countries. Since these expenditures amount to huge sums of money, citizens often doubt their necessity, especially when countries still suffer from issues such as poverty. At present, most countries undertake various space projects actively despite their internal problems. A space project is any undertaking that involves space. It can be launching satellites into planets' and stars' orbits, sending spacecrafts to learn more about space, collaborating with other countries on similar projects, and so on. Unlike other projects and money-spending areas, space missions require huge budgets, but success rates are very low. Russia, China, the USA, and India are some of the world's prominent countries that undertake phenomenal space missions.

Love Marriage or Arranged Marriage?

Marriage is an integral foundation of any society that binds people together. It religiously ties two people, along with their families, in the sacred bond of marriage. For ages, marriage rituals and traditions have been followed, and families have embraced the concept of arranged marriages because we all believe, "Parents know best." Studies have suggested that a huge percentage of people opt for arranged marriages due to trusted matrimonial sites and parents. Very few people opt for love marriage in India due to a number of reasons, like religious disputes, cultural differences, non-agreement of families, and other critical matters. A large percentage of people prefer an arranged marriage without any coercion. They believe arranged marriages bring peace and harmony to their union. In many cases, love marriages bring a lot of difficulties and disputes. According to many researchers, the divorce rate is higher in love marriages. However, a major discrimination is that peopl

Are pets good for you? Intermediate Essay

Having a pet is one of good hobbies a person could ever have. Spending time with pets makes a person more humane. Millions of people around the world see pets as a part of their families. Studies have suggested that attachment to pets is good for human health. It is no secret that pets can contribute to a person's happiness. There is evidence that spending time with pets reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, eases loneliness, encourages exercise, and improves one's overall health. Many people who do not have families or friends find solace in the company of their pets. They speak to their pets as these animals can comprehend their feelings and emotions. A friend is someone who listens to us when we need a listener to our sorrow. If pets can listen to us, can't we call them "friends"?  Many animals can make good pets. Most people see dogs as the best pets. It is true that dogs love their owners more than any other pet varieties. Cats are said to have less affec

Should plastic be banned? - Intermediate Essay

We cannot deny the fact that plastic is one of the few things that have immensely affected the lives of people in the modern era. If we set aside all the controversies about plastic, we will be responsible for acknowledging how much plastic has helped us as a material used in manufacturing different kinds of products. Should we ban plastic? If we look around, we can understand that it is not just carrier bags and bottles that are made with plastic. On the contrary, in various sectors that directly or indirectly deal with human life on earth, plastic is used to manufacture things. Plastic is a good substitute where other materials such as iron, copper, and aluminum are not pragmatic because the latter ones are overweight. However, as with everything else, there is a severe concern that plastic poses with regard to our environment. As we know, plastic objects are a major cause of environmental pollution. Plastic, as a substance, is non-biodegradable. Plastic can remain in the soil for